Wealden District Council
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Information to Identify Equality Issues

Information to help us identify equality issues includes equality monitoring information about our employees and our service users. It also covers information about the effect of the Council’s activities on people with different protected characteristics and the engagement we have carried out.

Employment information

The following list shows employment information relating to the whole of the Council broken down by the protected characteristics of gender, age, race, disability, religion and sexual orientation across the different grades of staff and showing whether these staff work full or part time. Also included is information on average pay by gender, and data relating to grievances and dismissals broken down by protected characteristic.

Please email human.resources@wealden.gov.uk for the most up to date information relating to:

  1. Race, Disability, Gender, and Age Distribution of Council Staff at Different Grades
  2. Race, Disability, Gender, and Age Distribution of full and part time council staff
  3. The representation of sexual orientation and religion and belief across the council’s workforce
  • Issues raised by and support for transsexual staff
  • Gender pay gap information
  • Information regarding occupational segregation will be collected for future reporting.  See the links above for the current information we hold regarding the breakdown of staff by protected characteristics.
  • There were no complaints about discrimination or other prohibited conduct from staff during this reporting period.

Information on the Council’s Services and Other Functions

The following information shows the information we have collated relating to the various services provided by the Council.

Equality Monitoring Information

The equality monitoring data we collect provides information about access to services or participation rates for people with the different protected characteristics.

The Council uses satisfaction ratings to measure and manage customer satisfaction with our services and to assess how effectively we are addressing local priorities.

The Council’s Performance

Wealden District Council seeks to manage its performance to deliver efficient, effective and economic services.