Wealden District Council
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Cleaning Up After Your Dog

Why should I clean up after my dog?

The Council’s Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in relation to dog fouling has been extended for 3 years. The content of the Order remains the same and it continues to be an offence not to clear up immediately after your dog has fouled.

Dog fouling in public areas is anti-social. Dog waste is associated with a number of diseases including toxicarasis. Toxocara is a roundworm commonly found in dogs, and almost all puppies. Eggs from the roundworm are found in dog waste, where they can pose a health risk if eaten, particularly to small children.

The parasite can cause stomach upsets, sore throats, asthma and in some cases blindness. The eggs remain active in the soil for years, long after any dog waste has weathered away, so the risk isn’t always obvious.

If you are witnessed failing to clear up your dogs waste, you will be offered a Fixed Penalty Notice. Similar to a speeding ticket, you have the option to accept this Notice and pay the fixed penalty of £75 within 14 days, or alternatively face prosecution in the Magistrates’ Court. The maximum penalty upon conviction is currently £1,000. Registered blind people are exempt.

Not being aware that your dog, or a dog under your control, has fouled the land or not having suitable means to remove the dog’s waste are not reasonable excuses for failing to remove it.

How do I clean up after my dog?

Firstly, be prepared – always carry a poop-scoop or bag. A variety of disposable dog fouling bags and scoops are available from pet shops and other retail outlets – although a carrier bag will suffice. Follow these simple guidelines:

  • Place hand in plastic bag
  • Pick up dog waste using plastic bag
  • Turn the bag inside out so dog waste is inside and
  • Tie the bag up

Ensure the dog waste is removed in its entirety and that bags are tied up before disposal. The bags can be placed in both litter and dog bins within Wealden as well as your own household waste bin.

What if there are no dog bins in the area?

The Act applies even in areas where bins are not provided so you must always take your waste home with you for disposal if you cannot find a bin.

I’m walking a dog for a friend – do I still have to clean up?

Yes – whoever is walking the dog is held responsible.

Where must I clean up after my dog?

It is your responsibility to clear up immediately after your dog on all land, both public and private to which the public has access. These areas include:

  • Footways and adjoining verges
  • All highway and land maintainable at public expense
  • Pedestrianised areas
  • Churchyards
  • Cemeteries
  • Burial grounds
  • Crematoriums
  • Open spaces owned by various councils, registered social landlords, public authorities or charities 
  • Playing fields / recreation grounds / public parks
  • Public footpaths, bridleways and adjoining verges
  • Beaches

Are there any areas where I don’t have to clean up after my dog?

Some areas are exempt, these include:

  • Woodland, marsh or agricultural land
  • Access land as defined in Part 1 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000

Can we have more dog waste bins?

The Council is under no obligation to provide dog waste bins. However, bins are provided on many areas of land including parks, recreation grounds, amenity greens and countryside areas to encourage people to clean up after their dogs.

The Council cannot erect bins on privately owned land.

If you would like more information on dog bins or dog fouling please visit our Dog Bins page, where you can also report a problem with a dog bin online.

Reporting a dog fouling issue