Frequently asked questions relating to the Core Strategy.
What is the Core Strategy?
The Core Strategy Local Plan sets out the key elements of the planning framework for Wealden. It contains a spatial vision and strategic objectives, a spatial strategy, core policies and a monitoring and implementation framework. It identifies the broad locations for development and the growth allocated to the rural settlements as well as the infrastructure required to deliver growth. In preparing the Core Strategy,the Council has worked closely with communities, Parish and Town Councils and many other agencies and partners to ensure that we have the right tools in place to guide and support development in a way that meets future needs.
When will the Core Strategy be adopted?
The Core Strategy was considered for adoption and approved by;Wealden District Full Council on 28 November 2012 and by the South Downs National Park Authority on 19 February 2013.
What is wrong with the old plan that you need to replace it with something new?
Wealden’s existing plans were produced several years ago and we now have new requirements to meet.
Why does the Core Strategy not contain all the policies and maps that are in the previous Local Plans?
The Core Strategy is the first, and principle document which identifies the overall strategy for 2013 to 2027. In the future we will be producing two further local plans called the Strategic Sites Local Plan and the Delivery and Site Allocations Local Plan. These documents will allocate land for development and provide for more specific policies. The Core Strategy explains what the Strategic Sites and Delivery and Site Allocations Local Plans will cover.
Why have I been notified that the Core Strategy has been published?
We produced a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) in February 2007, which provided a framework of consultation for the former Local Development Framework process. As part of the development of that document we produced a database of all those people who were interested in the Local Development Framework and the Core Strategy. That database has been added to following earlier consultations on the Core Strategy in 2007, 2009 and 2011, and consultation on the Strategic Sites document 2012. We have used the database to inform all the interested parties. We are also required by Government Regulations to consult with certain organisations.
How can I view the documents?
We produced a number of documents which supported the Examination of the Core Strategy including a Sustainability Appraisal. These documents can be viewed or downloaded from the Core Strategy Library page. The documents are available in PDF format. You will need to have an Adobe Acrobat programme on your computer to enable you to read or download PDF documents. These documents are also available to view at a number of venues across the District.
How do I pay for the documents?
A payment can be via cash/credit or debit card at Wealden District Council offices, or by cheque made payable to Wealden District Council, or by contacting the council’s information officer on 01892 602510.
Can I get a large print/ Braille/ audio version of the consultation documents?
Yes. If you need copies of any of the documents in a different format, please let us know by telephoning our document request line on 01892 602007 and we will arrange for the documents to be sent to you in your requested format.
Can I get a copy of the document in another language?
Yes. If you need copies of any of the documents in a different language, please let us know by telephoning our document request line on 01892 602007. We will arrange for the documents to be sent to you in your requested language. There will be no charge for this translation service.
How can I find out more or ask questions?
Planning Officers can be contacted by emailing: or by calling 01892 602007