Wealden District Council
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Litter Bins

Our responsibilities

We are responsible for installing, maintaining and emptying most of the litter bins within the district. Some of these bins are funded by Parish and Town Councils but if you encounter issues with any litter bin please report it to us in the first instance and we can forward the issue if necessary.

Council’s budgets for installing and maintaining litter bins are limited. This means bins are only installed at locations where they will be most useful in preventing litter.

Areas we don’t cover

We do not empty litter bins on private land or provided by a private business.

Reporting a problem

If you see a litter bin that is overflowing, please report it to us here.

If a bin is damaged please let us know via recycling@Wealden.gov.uk or by contacting us on 01323 443322.  

Collection frequency

We provide regular emptying of the Council’s litter bins which can be increased depending on their usage.

What can you do to help?

You can help keep Wealden tidy by:

  • Always using litter bins when you’re out and about and encourage children to use them.
  • If you cannot find a litter bin, please take your rubbish home with you.
  • Do not put your household rubbish in street litter bins, please place your rubbish in your own waste bins for collection.