Wealden District Council
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Food and Health and Safety Performance

The Food and Safety Team routinely inspect all food businesses and certain other businesses for health and safety in the Wealden area.
We also deal a wide range of complaints and service requests, including giving advice to new businesses.
We also investigate accidents in the workplace, mainly those that cause serious injury or health problems to staff or members of the public.

Complaints, Service Requests and Accidents

This table shows the number of complaints, service requests and accidents dealt with by the Food and Safety Team in the past three years
 Enquiry Type 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
 Food Complaints759
 Food Hygiene Complaints223735
 New Food Business Enquires201813
 Food Safety Service Requests344340
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Appeals001
 Health and Safety Service Requests303131
 New Health and Safety Business Enquires211

Food Inspections

This table shows the number of food inspections carried out by the Food and Safety Team in the past 3 years.
 Inspection Type2021/222022/232023/24
 Programmed Food Inspections572531530
 Additional Food Inspections155121116
 FHRS Re Score Visit202433

Performance of our Food Businesses

Wealden is part of the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme. Information about the hygiene standards of all businesses who sell or serve food to the public is available online or at the premises itself in the form of a sticker.
For more information on the scheme, to search for food businesses or to find out how many food businesses are in the scheme and what ratings they have been awarded, please visit our National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme page.