Wealden District Council
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Registers of Interest

The law requires Councillors to register their disclosable pecuniary (financial) interests and any other registerable interests with the Monitoring Officer. The Council publishes the registers on its website.

Registers can be found under each Councillor’s profile page.

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Information for Councillors



All elected and co-opted Councillors must register their interests with the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of taking office and within 28 days once they become aware that they have an interest.


Register Form

Download the Wealden Register of Interests form below. This form should be used by members of all town and parish councils in Wealden and members of Wealden District Council. Download and complete the Register of Interest form, then return it to the Monitoring Officer at Monitoring.Officer@Wealden.gov.uk

Wealden Register of Interests Form

Wealden Register of Interests Form


Sensitive Interests

If you believe that disclosing the details of any of your interest(s) could lead to violence or intimidation against you or a connected person, and you want these details withheld from the public register, please complete Part C of the Register of Interests form.

If the Monitoring Officer agrees that your interest(s) constitutes a sensitive interest under the Localism Act 2011, they will record the information but specify in the public register that an interest has been disclosed and withheld under Section 32 of the Localism Act with the agreement of the Monitoring Officer.


Changes to your Register

After the initial registration, notify the Monitoring Officer of any subsequent interests or changes to existing interests within 28 days of becoming aware of the change. Please complete a new Register of Interest form, then return it to the Monitoring Officer at Monitoring.Officer@Wealden.gov.uk


Further Guidance

Government Guidance on Openness and Transparency

Guidance on Local Government Association Councillor Code of Conduct for Local Councils