Wealden District Council
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Eat Well, Move More in 2024 campaign launched by Wealden District Council

Publish Date: 26 January 2024

Many people will have made new year resolutions that involve making positive health choices and to support this, Wealden District Council is promoting the importance of ‘moving more and eating well’ to residents by running a communications campaign.

people exercising. lady at the front of the class is holding a kettlbell

The eight-week Eat Well, Move More in 2024 campaign started on Monday 22 January and recognises the many physical health and mental wellbeing benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet and being as active, as possible. Even small steps like walking to the shops or taking the stairs can be hugely beneficial.

The campaign looks to signpost to the Healthy Wealden website that contains useful resources, which can support residents in taking steps towards leading a healthier lifestyle and making positive lifestyle choices.

Campaign activity will consist of weekly social media messages, radio adverts to be aired on Ashdown Radio and Hailsham FM and articles within Sussex Living, a free of charge magazine distributed throughout East Sussex.

To support people to become more active, the council is already providing free of charge ‘Our Parks’ exercise sessions in Heathfield, Uckfield, Crowborough and Polegate.

There is a number of free health and wellbeing courses delivered each year as part of the Street Learning programme, some of which include cooking, yoga and mindfulness. Courses are available, free of charge, to Wealden residents, aged 19+.

In addition, the council will also be announcing the funding of several local community organisations via its ‘Tackling Inequalities through Physical Activity’ funding programme. This supports organisations to deliver targeted and accessible physical activity programmes throughout the district that look to reduce physical activity inequalities and improve health outcomes in the coming weeks.

Councillor Kelvin Williams, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat), and lead councillor for Public Health, Wellbeing and Asset Management, said,” The campaign we are running is a great way for us to support and encourage our residents who are making positive lifestyle changes in the new year. We all know that our diet and physical activity is important, and many people use the new year to incorporate small and big lifestyle changes into their lives.

“The resources available throughout the eight-week campaign aim to help residents achieve their goals both physically and mentally.


Notes for editors:

Further details on the Our Parks programme visit https://ourparks.org.uk/

and Street Learning, go to https://www.wealden.gov.uk/community-and-safety/street-learning/

To hear the radio advert being aired on Ashdown Radio and Hailsham FM between January and March, visit https://www.ashdownradio.com/ or  https://www.hailshamfm.com/

To read the articles being published in Sussex Living, visit https://www.sussexliving.com/

To access the posts on our social media channels, follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HealthyWealden/