Wealden District Council
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Fast Track Advice Service

We have launched a pilot service to offer two free fast-track planning advice services for businesses in our district and for small house builders. 

The free fast track planning advice service differs from our paid for pre-application advice service intending to provide you with a high level assessment with a quick turnaround time. It may be that your proposal requires more detailed discussions and in these instances we recommend or will recommend you apply for the paid for pre-application advice service.

You can find out more about the fast track advice pilot service including how to apply using the drop down menus.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has announced funding to help farmers invest in improved slurry infrastructure to tackle water pollution, improve air quality and make better use of organic nutrients.

To support our Wealden farming community we are offering free fast track advice relating to Planning implications at no charge. This is to help support your funding application.

Use the How to Apply section to learn how to submit your request. 

We seek 35% affordable housing on all qualifying developments as set out in our Affordable Housing Delivery Local Plan and are aware of the documented concern relating to the inadequacy of affordable housing within the District.

In response to this, certain developers promote schemes that incorporate a higher proportion of affordable housing, a factor considered within the broader context and balance of considerations. This is known as ‘additionality.’

If you are a developer and are prepared to offer a substantial level of “additionality” within your scheme, accompanied by verifiable evidence and a commitment to early implementation, we invite you to get in touch with us.

This service is provided at no cost and we want to collaborate with you to enhance the provision of affordable housing

Please note that this service is not applicable to proposals that align with policy-compliant levels of affordable housing. While we acknowledge the importance of such compliance, our service is tailored for schemes that aim to exceed these requirements. For development schemes that do not meet the criteria of this Fast Track service, you may still utilise our paid pre-application advice service.

Upon receiving your request, we will evaluate your proposals and provide you with preliminary, informal guidance, considering any relevant pre-existing or historical planning permissions that may impact the site and its surrounding area.

In cases where the scheme requires detailed, site-specific layouts and plot configurations, there will be a fee associated with that aspect of the advice which will be offered at a reduction of 50% of the normal cost of pre-application advice.

While we will approach the assessment of all proposals in a positive and proactive manner a positive outcome is not necessarily guaranteed.

All pre-application discussions are given in good faith and are intended to be helpful however they are expressed on a without prejudice basis.  There is no substitute for a formal planning application that is subject to a detailed site visit and public consultation.

This free service is for small house builders who are proposing between three to five dwellings on land in the district and can commit with evidence to early delivery and implementation.

This service cannot be used where proposals of three to five dwellings are shown in larger plots of land and there is clear potential for more development. 

You can still use the paid for pre-application advice service for development that does not meet the criteria this free fast track service applies to.

When we receive your request we will assess your proposals and provide you with some initial informal advice taking into account any relevant existing or historic planning permissions affecting the site and area.

While we will approach the assessment of all proposals in a positive and proactive manner a positive outcome is not necessarily guaranteed.

All pre-application discussions are given in good faith and are intended to be helpful however they are expressed on a without prejudice basis.  There is no substitute for a formal planning application that is subject to a detailed site visit and public consultation.

This service has been withdrawn

For fast track services you can apply online by completing the online pre-application advice form and selecting the relevant fast track service option.

Your request will need to be submitted with key information to help us assess your request such as a location plan and details of your proposal. 

For fast track advice for developers seeking to deliver Affordable Housing services you will need to submit:

  • a site location plan with an outline of the site area
  • a block location plan showing the proposed site layout
  • a proposal description
  • photos of the site
  • an affordable housing statement

For fast track advice for small house builders you will need to submit:

  • a site location plan with an outline of the site area
  • a block location plan showing the location of the proposal and access points
  • a description of the proposal including size and scale of works
  • a description of any related landscape works and tree felling
  • photos of the site where possible.
  • advise if there has been any discussions held locally such as with neighbours and/or parish/town council(s)
  • If a legal agreement is required details of how advanced you are on matters; and
  • an explanation of how you can deliver the site quickly such as examples of other sites you have delivered with time frames or measures you would include with a full submission to enable the Council to weigh up the timely delivery of the units

While all pre-application discussions will be treated in confidence the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) requires us to make documents available to members of the public upon request.

There are exemptions to the disclosure of information for example where the information is of a commercially sensitive nature. If this is the case mark your documents accordingly upon application. 

Should a planning application be submitted where advice was sought, once the application has been determined the council will upon receipt of any FOI request disclose the advice information. 

The final decision to release any information is the responsibility of the council. 

Further details relating to exemptions under FOI and how we use your data can be found on our data protection page.