Wealden District Council
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Affordable Housing Delivery Local Plan Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Affordable Housing Delivery Local Plan (AHDLP)?

The AHDLP reviews the Core Strategy Local Plan Policy WCS8 concerning Affordable Housing. It does not affect any other Core Strategy Policy.
Why does the Affordable Housing Policy need updating?

The Government announced a change in policy and guidance in relation to affordable housing thresholds in November 2014. This guidance states that affordable housing contributions, under section 106, should not be sought from developments of 10 units or less and which have a maximum combined gross floorspace of no more than 1000 sqm. However for designated rural areas, authorities may choose to implement a lower threshold of 5 units or less where affordable housing contributions should not be sought.


Why have I been notified about the Affordable Housing Delivery Local Plan?

We published a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) in February 2007, which provides a framework of consultation for the former Local Development Framework process. As part of the development of that document we compiled a database of all those people who told us that they had an interest in the Wealden Local Plan. That database has been added to following consultations in 2007 and 2009. We have now used this database to inform all interested parties. We are also required by legislation to consult with certain organisations.


Please can you add/remove my contact details from your database?

Please contact the Planning Policy Team to either remove or add your contact details to our database.


How do I View/Obtain the Main Documents?

The easiest way to access the main documents (in HTML or pdf format) is to view from the Council’s Website. The documents are also available to view at a number of locations across the District. If you would like a paper copy of the documents or a CD containing pdf versions these are available to be purchased from the Council (at cost price, including postage and packaging). Please contact the Planning Policy Team .


How can I make a payment for a paper copy document?

Payment can be via credit or debit card by calling 01892 602007.  Please contact us for details of prices.


Can I get a planning policy document in large print/ Braille/ audio or in another language?

Yes. If you need copies of any of the documents in a different format we will arrange for the documents to be sent to you in your requested format. Please contact the Planning Policy Team.


What is the timetable for the Local Plan process?

The Local Development Scheme sets out the timetable for the production of the Local Development Framework. It states what the Council will do, and when, and identifies opportunities for public involvement in the preparation of Local Development Documents.