Wealden District Council
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Infrastructure Funding Statement and CIL Annual Monitoring Reports

Infrastructure Funding Statement

National planning regulations which came into force on 1 September 2019 state that any local authority that receives a financial or non-financial contribution from development through Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or section 106 planning obligations must prepare an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) by the 31 December 2020 and annually thereafter.

The latest IFS covers the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 and reports on all developer contribution receipts and expenditure during the financial period, as well as providing information on the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure which the charging authority intends will be, or may be, wholly or partly funded through CIL.

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) produces its own IFS, which reports on all developer contribution receipts and expenditure by the local authority and includes both highway projects and education provision, amongst other matters.

The Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-2023 for Wealden can be found below:

The previous years Infrastructure Funding Statements for both 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 for Wealden can be found below:

The Town and Parish CIL Monitoring reports.

We are required to pass a percentage of the total CIL receipts raised in a Town or Parish Council directly to the Town or Parish Council where the development is taking place. This is known as the ‘meaningful proportion’.

Currently the percentage is set at 15% (capped at £100 pa per council tax paying dwelling), or in areas where there is a made Neighbourhood Plan 25% (uncapped). To ensure transparency, each financial year the Town or Parish Councils that have received CIL must publish a summary of:

  • Total CIL funds received

  • What CIL funds have been spent on each project

  • Total CIL funds received at the end of the reported year and any previous years.