Wealden District Council
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High Hedges

Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 Part 8 High Hedges Legislation

The High Hedges provisions came into force on 1 June 2005.

Guidance/Further information

A guidance leaflet, High Hedges (external link) area of the Department for Communities and Local Government website, before proceeding with any complaint or further action.

Government Advice

The Government advises that you are first required to demonstrate to the Council that you have taken all reasonable and appropriate steps to resolve the situation. This should include at least two recent letters written to your neighbour and any subsequent correspondence (eg. solicitors letters, notes of arbitration). Failure to provide such information will result in the return of your complaint.

Costs involved with High Hedges Complaints

The fee for dealing with High Hedges complaints can be found in the Fees and Charges document This recognises the full costs to the Council of dealing with formal complaints made under this new legislation. To make a payment please go to Online Payments and select High Hedges Fee as a payment type.

What to do next

If, after careful consideration, you wish to proceed with your complaint you can either email planning@wealden.gov.uk or telephone 01892 602006 to request an application form and for any other information.