Wealden District Council
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Payments to Suppliers

  • These files give information on all payments to suppliers. Where information relates to individuals, for example Disabled Facility Grants for household adaptations, the payment is shown but details that identify individuals have been replaced with “REDACTED PERSONAL DATA”. This is so the Council complies with the Data Protection Act.

The files do not include Housing Benefit payments and the Council will not disclose sensitive personal information.

If you have any queries about a particular payment then please email the Customer Relations Officer informationgovernance@wealden.gov.uk, quoting the Transaction Number, Supplier Name and Amount.

The files are published as CSV (Comma Separated Values) files which spreadsheet packages such as Microsoft Excel and LibreOffice Calc should open easily.

This data is freely re-usable under the same terms as Open Government Licence for public sector information (external link) 




