Wealden District Council
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Temporary Accommodation Handbook

A guide to enjoying your temporary accommodation

Your temporary accommodation

This handbook outlines everything you need to know about living in your temporary accommodation and tells you how to find out more information should you need it.

Your Housing Officer

We have a Temporary Accommodation Co-ordinator who manages our temporary housing accommodation and 3 supporting Estate Wardens.

Temporary Accommodation Officer

Contact the Temporary Housing Officer on 01323 443380 or email housingoptions@wealden.gov.uk

Your Housing Options Officer is your point of contact to help you move on from your temporary accommodation into either private or affordable rented accommodation.

You can contact your housing options officer on 01323 443380 or email housingoptions@wealden.gov.uk


Moving in

Getting on with your neighbours

Your rights and responsibilities

Paying your rent and service charges

Maintaining your home including repairs

Tenant involvement

Moving on

Support Directory

Compliments and complaints

  • Introduction
  • How to Contact us
  • Accessing Services
  • Your temporary accommodation


A bit about Wealden.

  • Wealden is the largest district in East Sussex covering 323 square miles.
  • Half of its 143,700 population live in the five main towns of Polegate, Hailsham, Heathfield, Uckfield and Crowborough. The remaining population live in the 37 smaller and more rural parishes in Wealden.
  • High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the South Downs National Park together cover some 60% of the District.
  • In addition, Wealden has 34 conservation areas and 32 sites of special scientific interest. Wealden has more than 2,500 listed buildings.

A bit about Wealden District Council’s homes…

The Council continues to own and manage its own housing stock of around 3,000 homes.

The stock is made up of Retirement Living, flats, bungalows and houses including some properties used for temporary accommodation such as the home you are occupying. In addition, the service manages some housing association properties, leasehold flats sold under the Right to Buy, retirement leasehold properties and Right to Buy shared ownership properties.

The Council would like to thank everyone involved in the production of this guide, especially the tenants who gave up their time. Their contribution has been extremely valuable.

How to Contact us

By phone.

Our office is open 8.30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday and can be reached by calling 01323 443322.

To report housing repairs (24 hour line) call 01323 443375.

To report any housing emergency (not repairs) call 01772 678941.

By email.

You can email us at: housingoptions@wealden.gov.uk for general enquiries or to report a repair email us at: repairs@wealden.gov.uk

In writing.

Contact us in writing at: Housing Services, Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 2AX

In Person.

Our office is located at Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX and is open 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday (9 am on Wednesdays). Please always try to make an appointment prior to visiting the office. If you visit the office without an appointment the appropriate person to deal with your enquiry may not be available. Appointments can be made by calling us on 01323 443322.

For more information about our services please visit:


Accessing Services

For information about the Council’s services please visit:



MyWealden the council’s online portal for Wealden residents to make service requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It allows you to report that your bin was missed alongside other waste enquiries, request removal of graffiti, report pollution, property name change and  registering an address. www.mywealden.gov.uk.


Within MyWealden via MyAccounts tenants can view their rent account statement, look at the contact details we hold for them and inform us if any changes are needed and view repairs and their status for the past 6 months.

The Council offers a free weekly email information service to provide households with information about their waste and recycling collection dates, local planning applications as well as the latest news and events in Wealden.

If you haven’t already done so and would like to join the 29,000 households who currently receive Wealden Weekly, just go to www.wealden.gov.uk/wealden-weekly and fill in your details.

Things to remember to do when you move in, including:

  • Looking after your home
  • Contents Insurance
  • Internal Decoration
  • Furniture
  • Security
  • Fire Safety
  • Communal Areas
  • Rubbish Disposal

Things to remember to do when you move in

  • The gas supply will have been disconnected while the property was empty for safety To arrange for reconnection please see the first “Important” information.
  • You must telephone Scottish Southern Electric to set up your account. However, you are not obliged to stay with them and can switch to another supplier at anytime if you wish to. If you have a payment meter you can ask for it to be removed if you do not wish to pay by this method but you require our permission first.
  • Call South East Water to set up your account for fresh and waste water.
  • Inform Television Licensing.
  • Set up an account for your landline telephone and broadband if applicable.
  • Inform Council Tax.
  • Arrange for the post from your old home to be re-directed to your new property.
  • You will have been supplied with refuse and recycling bins. If these are ever damaged/lost/stolen there will be a charge for replacements – please contact the Council to arrange this.

Remember to inform:  

  • The Housing Benefits Team.
  • Pension Services (for state pension or pension credit).
  • Job Centre Plus/Universal
  • HM Revenue and Customs (Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit).
  • Disability and Carers Service for:
    • Disability Living Allowance/Personal Independence Payment
    • Attendance Allowance
    • Carer’s Allowance

Other agencies to inform:

  • Child Benefit Office
  • Child Support Agency

Update details for

  • Bank/building society accounts
  • Driving Licence
  • Insurance policies g. car, pet, life insurance, contents insurance.
  • Credit cards or store cards
  • Doctors
  • Dentists

Gas and electricity

Both your gas and electricity supply are ‘Pay as you go’.


In order to get your broadband connected you will need access to a locked cupboard within the communal area of the building. You need to contact the Council in advance to arrange access to this cupboard.

Looking after your home

Contents Insurance

The Council does not insure your furniture and belongings against theft, fire, vandalism, burst pipes and other household risks. It is therefore important that you take out Home Contents Insurance. You are advised to shop around for the best deal. However, the Council has identified an affordable Pay as You Go Home Contents Insurance. Please see the www.wealden.gov.uk/housing website or contact us for more information.

Internal Decoration

Internal painting and decoration is the Council’s responsibility and you are not allowed to decorate your temporary accommodation.


Now that you have moved home you may require some new furniture or may wish to get rid of some of your existing furniture, particularly if you have downsized. There are local charities that may be able to assist with supplying good quality second hand furniture or taking away unwanted furniture in good condition.


If you live in a flat which has a door entry system please ensure that the door is closed properly behind you, do not wedge it open and do not let strangers into the block. If someone knocks on your door

claiming to be an official person, for example; an officer of the Council or one of its contractors, always ask for ID before letting them in and if in doubt do not let them in.


Please look after your keys, we do not have spares and if you lose them you will have to pay for replacements/new locks.

Fire Safety

Your new home has been fitted with a smoke detection system that is connected to the main electrical supply. There is therefore no need to change the battery but you should test it on a weekly basis using the remote test button. Should you be concerned at any time that there is a fault, please report it as a repair.

Fire Alarm

If the fire alarm/s go off you must call 999 and the fire brigade will come out and put out any fire and deactivate the fire alarm/s. If they are unable to silence the fire alarm/s you will need to call 01323 443375 and select Chris Bartholemews and our repairs service will come out and turn the alarm/s off.

The following has been prepared for your information, advice and safety whilst in your home.

General Fire Safety Advice

Should you wish to discuss any matters relating to general fire safety in the home East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service are happy to offer expert advice including home visits. Visit www.esfrs.org

Living in a flat is a greater responsibility than a house in many ways as your actions can affect your neighbours safety – and vice versa. We have listed below some things you can do to live together more safely.

Fire Safety – Living in a Flat

NO SMOKING. The shared areas of our flats are ‘no smoking’ areas, this includes all corridors and stairwells and in addition all bin stores, drying areas, etc outside the building. We ask that you do not smoke in your flat. However if you do, please open the windows.

Getting on with your neighbours

Getting on with your neighbours is not always easy, however it is essential for a happy and peaceful life for both yourself and others.

The property that you are living in is your home and it benefits everybody if you take pride in your home and your neighbourhood.

CORRIDORS AND METER CUPBOARDS. These must not be used for storage, for bicycles, mobility scooters, etc.

BIN AREAS. Please ensure that where possible the bin area/bins are locked or closed.

Do not store rubbish outside the bins and especially not against the building or any timber fences, etc.

FIRE DOORS AND FIRE EQUIPMENT. The entrance doors and most corridor doors are self-closing fire doors. Please do not alter these or prop them open – if they are faulty report this promptly.

Where there are designated fire exits and routes from the building make sure you know where these are in case of an emergency.

On some sites there are fire alarms, fire extinguishers or emergency lighting. They will be checked and tested regularly but please report them if they are defective.

FLAT ENTRANCE DOORS. All doors to individual flats are fire doors, both to prevent fire spreading into your flat and from your flat.

All doors must be fire rated doors, with fire rated glass, intumescent strips on the edges and be self-closing. Under no circumstances must any alterations or replacements be made to the door or frame.

LOFT AREAS. Your tenancy does not include use of these areas, they must be kept clear and are an important part of the fire integrity of the building.

Communal Areas

Do not leave any personal belongings in internal and external communal areas, as this is a health and safety risk. Whilst we do have cleaners we do ask that you keep them tidy as they are employed to clean not tidy up personal belongings.

Also please do not put up pictures, curtains etc. and do not lay carpet or doormats or leave electrical cables trailing in communal areas or corridors.

Rubbish Disposal

Check your rubbish collection days and dispose of large items such as furniture at a waste disposal centre. If you have difficulty disposing of waste please contact the Council for advice.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the bin areas are kept clean and tidy and rubbish disposed of in the correct bin. If this is not done and the Council appoints a contractor to clean this area or dispose of bulky waste left in the vicinity, ALL tenants will be re-charged.

This section includes:

  • What we expect from you
  • Acceptable Behaviour
  • What to expect from the Council
  • Acceptable Behaviour

We have agreed the following definition with residents: “Acceptable behaviour is behaviour that is considerate and responsible; empathises with the individual circumstances of our neighbours and is respectful of our community”. The following are examples of unacceptable behaviour:

  • Noisy or abusive neighbours
  • Littering or graffiti
  • Dogs barking / fouling
  • Drunken behaviour
  • Inconsiderate parking
  • Illegal drug use

What do we expect from you?

It is expected that residents will be considerate to one another. Antisocial behaviour means different things to different people, and what might appear to be acceptable behaviour to one resident, may not be acceptable to another.

If you have just moved in or have new neighbours, please take time to allow yourself/them to settle in.

What to expect from the Council

If you are experiencing problems with your neighbour you may be able to resolve it yourself by approaching them to discuss your concern/s.

If this is not possible, or if the nuisance continues, contact the Temporary Accommodation Co-ordinator. We treat antisocial behaviour very seriously and are committed to preventing and tackling the causes of antisocial behaviour (for further information on out antisocial behaviour policy or to report an incident, please telephone us, write to us or visit our website.

Your Tenancy

Some features of your Conditions of Tenancy:

  • Access  
  • Changing locks  
  • Keeping pets  
  • Maintaining your garden
  • Parking  
  • Running a Business from home
  • Improvements  
  • Lodgers and Subletting

Your Tenancy

You have been given a NonSecure Tenancy and you will sign this before moving in. It is a legal document and should be kept safe. It has a number of conditions you must adhere to.

Conditions that you must adhere to:

  • You are required to occupy your property as your main and principal home and you are not permitted to move out and let someone else live there.
  • If your circumstances change and you wish to add or remove a name from the tenancy you must contact the Temporary Accommodation Coordinator for advice to see if this is possible.
  • In the event of the death of the tenant, leaving no one else in occupation, it is the responsibility of the next of kin to provide the Council with 4 weeks’ written notice.

Some features of your Conditions of Tenancy


With reasonable notice given, you are required to provide the Council or its contractors with access so we can repair or improve the property and to carry out the annual gas safety check.

Changing Locks

In Temporary Accommodation for the safety of yourself and other residents there is a master key which fits all flats. This is securely stored. The master key is used should access be required in an emergency. Therefore you cannot change the lock on your front door or add additional locks. (note we do have suited locks in TA)

Keeping pets

You are not allowed to keep pets in temporary accommodation.


Council owned parking areas can only be used by cars or motorbikes which are taxed, insured and roadworthy.

Before parking any van designated to weigh more than 2 tons when fully loaded, any goods vehicles, buses, coaches or minibuses, caravan, boat or trailer on the property or on land owned by the Council (including gardens) you must get our written consent.

In some areas we do have garages to rent. If you would like to rent a garage please email us housing@wealden.gov.uk or

Running a business from home

If you want to run a business from home you will need our written consent, some businesses will not be permitted including car repairs. You will also need to check whether planning permission is required and may need to adjust your insurance.


You are not allowed to carry out any improvements or decoration of your temporary home.

This rent section includes:

  • Paying your rent
  • Service Charges
  • Ways to Pay your Rent
  • Problems paying your Rent
  • Paying Your Rent


Your conditions of tenancy require you to pay rent in advance on a Monday and not allow the rent to fall into arrears. Your offer letter states the amount of rent due. If you are entitled to assistance with paying your rent it is your responsibility to apply for it through the Housing Benefits team.

Your rent charges are subject to an annual review and you will be given written notice of any rent increase.

Contact the Income Team between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday to discuss any matters relating to your rent account.

Service Charges

Temporary Accommodation tenants pay a “service charge” within their rent. This is to pay for services such as grass cutting of communal areas, communal cleaning or window cleaning or lighting. Service charges are reviewed annually.

Ways to Pay your Rent

Direct Debit

This is the safest and easiest way to pay. All you have to do is fill in a direct debit instruction form, choose the date you want to pay on, sign it and send it to us. We can also set up your direct debit over the phone. Please call 01323 443373.

If the amount you have to pay changes, we will give you at least 10 working days notice and in the unlikely event of a mistake being made, your bank will give you an immediate refund. More details are on the direct debit mandate form.

By phone, 24 hours a day

If you have a debit (not Electron) or credit card, you can pay at any time over the phone. All you have to do is phone 01323 443188 and follow the instructions. You will need to know your account reference number which can be found on this rent statement – it’s a 6 digit number. There is no charge for using this service.

Over the internet

You can use your credit or debit (not Electron) card to pay on our make a payment webpage.  You will need to select “Housing Rents” and enter your rent reference number which can be found on this rent statement– it’s a 6 digit number. There is no charge for using this service.

Through your bank

Most banks offer internet or phone banking services, including bill paying services, or you can pay by debit card or cheque at the counter. Your bank’s website will give you instructions on how to register and pay bills. The Council’s details may already be on the bank’s payment system but if not you will need to give the Council’s bank details. These are:

Sort code: 30–80–12

Account Number: 10341360

Account name: Wealden District Council

You will need to enter your rent reference number which can be found on the front of this statement – it’s a 6 digit number.

Post Office and Paypoint

Post Offices will accept cheques (made payable to Post Offices Limited), cash and debit card. When making such payments you will have to provide them with your rent reference number, which is a 6 digit number.

You can pay by cash at any PayPoint or at any Post Office using a PayPoint card. If you don’t have a PayPoint card, please phone us on 01323 443373 and we will be happy to issue one. You will need to tell us your rent reference number when you phone.

Please do not bring or send cheques or cash to the Council offices, as we cannot accept them and they will not be receipted onto your account.

Problems Paying your Rent

If you are experiencing problems paying your rent contact us straight away. If you haven’t already done so, don’t forget to see whether you are entitled to financial assistance to help cover the cost of your rent by contacting Housing Benefits ) or using the online benefits calculator at www.wealden.gov.uk/benefits

Maintaining your home including:

  • Repairs      
  • Reporting Repairs
  • Appointments Emergency Repairs
  • Rechargeable Repairs
  • Programmed Works
  • Knowing where things are in your home
  • Lettable Standard
  • Gas Leaks
  • Gas Servicing and Solid Fuel Systems
  • Condensation Alterations Pest Control
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Legionella Asbestos
  • Dealing with dissatisfaction/complaints
  • Quality Monitoring of repairs service

Keeping your home well maintained is a key priority for us.



Keeping your home a safe and enjoyable place to live is important to us.

It is your responsibility as a tenant to report repairs to us so it is important that you understand your rights and responsibilities.

Our vision

A good quality service delivering high levels of satisfaction, offering tenants flexibility and choice where ever possible.


Council’s responsibilities

The Council is responsible for keeping in good repair the structure, both internal and external together with the services to the property including:

  • Interior, including walls, floors and ceilings, doors and frames and door fittings, kitchens and bathrooms.
  • External elements including: roofs, chimneys (not sweeping), fascias, gutters and pipes, windows, doors, brickwork, rendering, drains, paths/steps, fences and gates.
  • Heating systems, electrical circuits, sockets and switches, fires fitted by the Council and internal water and waste pipes.

Your responsibilities

  • Certain repairs you are responsible include:
  • Damage caused by you, someone living with you or a
  • Clearing blockages caused by your
  • Treating household pests.

Reporting Repairs

You can report a repair by:

  • Telephoning us on our repairs line where you can choose options to get directly in contact with our main repairs contractors
  • By email to repairs@wealden.gov.uk
  • Using the online repairs form
  • By writing to us or visiting us at The Council Offices, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX.

Your repair will be prioritised according to urgency, when reporting a repair by telephone you will be told how quickly the work will be done.


When you ask for a repair inside your home we will offer you a morning or afternoon appointment. All routine repairs are carried out Monday to Friday.

Morning appointments are between 8am and 1pm. Afternoon appointments are between 1pm and 5pm.

For repairs inside your home you or someone else over the age of 18 must be there.

IMPORTANT – It is your responsibility to report repairs promptly so that your home remains in a safe condition.

What is an Emergency Repair?

The emergency out of hour’s service is for reporting major repairs needed to avoid the danger of injury or serious damage such as:

  • Total loss of power – please check there is not a power cut to the area
  • Uncontrollable water leak – turn off your stopcock and contact us
  • Boarding up windows or doors after a break in, providing you have a crime reference number from the police
  • Impact damage to your home, such as vehicle collision, or
  • Fire in your home that makes the property uninhabitable Telephone the repairs line to report emergencies out of hours. We will come out to make your home safe, and do the full repair during normal working hours.

Rechargeable Repairs

In most circumstances we will charge you the full cost for repairs to damage caused by your misuse or neglect for example losing your key or breaking fixtures.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances you must pay for the work before we do the repair. If we agree that your circumstances are exceptional we will do the work and charge you for it.

You may also do the work yourself or get someone else to do it. If you do this you must take reasonable health and safety precautions to avoid putting you or anyone else in danger.

For further information see our recharge policy.

Programmed Works

In addition to the repairs service, which carries out responsive works to broken or damaged elements of our properties, we also have

a planned maintenance programme. This includes works such as new bathrooms or kitchens, works to roofs, new doors or windows, heating upgrades and electrical works.

We will write to you in advance and let you know if we plan to carry out any of these works on your property. You can check when planned programme works are due under MyAccounts (your rent account) section of MyWealden.

Knowing where things are in your home

To help us do repairs and maintenance work, it is helpful if you can tell us or our contractors where the following are in your home if they need to locate them:

  • Mains water tap (stop cock) which is usually under the sink or wash hand basin
  • Electricity fuse box
  • Gas meter, if there is one
  • Heating controls. Make sure you know how to use these controls

You should be advised of the locations at sign up. You should familiarise yourself should you need to turn off the water or services in an emergency.

Please call the repairs desk if you need help with this on 01323 443375 option 4.

Lettable Standard

When you sign up to your new home you will have received information describing the standard your property must meet. www.wealden.gov.uk/housing

Gas Leaks

If you smell gas act quickly, call Transco  (freephone):

  • Turn off all gas appliances.
  • Do not smoke, use naked flames or touch any electrical switches.
  • Open doors and windows.

Gas Servicing

Gas Safety Regulations require us to undertake an annual gas appliance and pipe work check. This is a legal obligation and therefore you are required to allow our contractors access to carry out the checks. They will contact you to arrange an appointment when the service is due.


The most common cause of damp and mould is condensation.

Condensation is caused by moisture present in the air all the time from breathing, cooking, drying clothes, from pets and house plants.

Condensation happens when moist air reaches a cold surface, such as a window. Condensation often builds up when washing and drying clothes and cooking. There may be black mould too which can affect walls, ceiling and window frames as well as your clothes and bedding.

There are things you can do to reduce condensation:

Keep a low background heat and avoid sudden changes in temperature, using vents helps achieve this balance. Also ensure tumble dryers are vented outside, lids are put on saucepans when cooking, do not dry clothes over radiators and shut bathroom doors when bathing.

It’s a normal part of everyday living which requires us to wipe up excess moisture and clean off any light mould which forms as part of everyday household cleaning regimes.

Do not remove fuses from or turn off extractor fans.

For safety reasons, do not ever use paraffin or liquid gas heaters  in the home.

For further advice on condensation please visit our website:



You cannot carry out any alterations.

Pest Control

It is your responsibility to deal with any pests in your home. The Housing service is not responsible for the treatment of any pests.

You can either pay a private company to deal with any infestations otherwise Wealden Council provides rat, mice, wasp and other pest control treatments for Wealden residents. Please note that this is

a chargeable service. However, they do not provide a service for removing bees. Please see our website for more information: www.wealden.gov.uk/housing .

Energy Efficiency

The Council is committed to ensuring that its properties are energy efficient. For more information on the work that we are doing or to find out how you can save energy please visit our website: https://www.wealden.gov.uk/environmentandpollution/home energyefficiency/ or telephone the Council.

You will be sent the Energy Performance Certificate soon after you move in which will tell you how energy efficient your home is.


All hot and cold water systems in residential properties are a potential source of legionella bacteria which can lead to Legionnaires Disease. Occupants who are elderly, people with chest or lung problems, smokers or heavy drinkers are most at risk from legionella. Not everybody exposed to the bacteria becomes ill.

However there is no need for concern, the growth of Legionella Bacteria is easily preventable by following some simple rules including regular use of taps, shower heads, cleaning and maintaining correct water temperatures.

For further advice see www.wealden.gov.uk/housing


Some properties contain asbestos. This is generally bound within another material, such as asbestos cement sheeting, and is only harmful if damaged or disturbed. We keep a register which lists where asbestos is, we check this regularly and where necessary remove or encapsulate it.

Dealing with dissatisfaction /complaints

If your complaint is regarding the service provided by one of our repairs contractor, the complaint should be made in the first instance through the contractors’ complaints procedure. Taking complaints directly to the relevant contractor usually results in a more speedy and effective resolution. The Council monitors all complaints made directly to the contractor. However if a satisfactory result is not forthcoming the complaint may then be taken through the Council’s own procedure.

Quality Monitoring of Repairs Service

We are keen to ensure that we provide our tenants with a good service and require all of our contractors to regularly monitor their performance by carrying out a variety of quality checks.

In addition our Repairs Team carry out customer satisfaction surveys; these are carried out by email, text and telephone.


Tenant Involvement Section Includes:

  • Tenant Involvement and Improving your Community
  • Resident Groups across the District
  • Tenant Involvement Team Range of ways to get involved
  • Contact Us

Tenant Involvement and Improving your Community

Wealden would like to involve as many residents as possible in what happens in their area. We aim to encourage and facilitate opportunities for every tenant to become involved.

Resident Groups across the district

There are a number of existing resident groups across the district set up to work together to improve their neighbourhood. If you would like to get involved in an existing group, or need help in setting up a group in your area please contact us.

We also have two main umbrella groups that cover the residents associations called WRAG (Wealden Residents Action Group) for general needs tenants and SHRG (Sheltered Housing Residents Group) for retirement living tenants.

For more information go to www.wealden.gov.uk/housing

Tenant Involvement Team

Wealden employs a small team to help residents become involved in their area, including help with setting up resident associations or with community surveys or applying for funding to deliver community  projects.

Range of ways to get involved

Depending on your interest and the time you have available there are various ways in which you can get involved which include:

  •  training and skills sessions/programmes or courses.
    • Being a member
  • Joining or setting up a resident association in your area.
  • Attending a focus group for tenants on a particular subject.
  • Completing phone, postal surveys and/or online surveys.
  • Involvement in selecting contractors who carry out works to our properties.
  • Developing estate specific partnership agreements (compacts).
  • Helping us monitor delivery of contracts.
  • Join us on a walkabout/estate inspections to see what needs to be done.
  • Taking part in network events or activities which share knowledge and best practice.
  • Attending of the reading group (for publications and newsletters).
  • Sitting on the grants evaluation panel.

Funding for Community Projects

The Tenant Involvement Team work closely with residents to identify and bid for funding.

Contact Us

If you would like to know more please contact the Tenant Involvement Team  or at tenantinvolvement@wealden.gov.uk

Moving out of your  current accommodation

It is not possible to guarantee how long you may be in temporary accommodation as this will vary depending on your individual circumstances and the availability of housing. You will be required to bid for available permanent housing but the council will also placing bids on your behalf.

You are warned that if you lose your temporary accommodation due to breaching the conditions of occupancy then you may not receive any future offers of accommodation.

Once you have been found permanent housing you need to move out of the temporary accommodation on or before the start date of your new tenancy. If you do not do this you will be liable for rent on both properties (please note that if you are receiving Housing Benefit it is possible to claim dual Housing Benefit for a limited period of time whilst you are moving out possessions etc. provided that you have moved into your new home. Please discuss this with the Housing Benefit section to check your entitlement).

Before moving out it is essential that the flat is thoroughly cleaned throughout and any damage you might have done repaired. Any damage left to the property once you have moved that the Council needs to repair will be carried out by the Council’s contractors but the cost of these works will be recharged to you.

You must take with you all your possessions including any rubbish or unwanted furniture/items or dispose of them. You will be recharged for the cost of the disposal of these items if you leave them in the property or on council land or do not dispose of them correctly. You must not use other residents bins to dispose of your rubbish.

  • Giving a Compliment
  • Room for Improvement
  • Complaints
  • Data Protection

Giving a Compliment

If you are pleased about something we have done or the service we provide please let us know. Compliments are appreciated and help us to know what we are doing well. Compliments can be made in writing, by phone ) or by email: housing@wealden.gov.uk or by visiting our website 

Room for Improvement

If you have a suggestion how we can improve one or more of the services that we provide, please let us know.


The Council has a clear published complaints procedure which is outlined on our website.

You can make a formal complaint by:

Data Protection

Wealden District Council is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and will only use and store your personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and securely hold your data. For more information visit our data protection webpage  

The information you provide will be treated confidentially at all times. Security safeguards apply to both manual and electronically held data and only relevant staff can access your information. As a data controller, we also have a responsibility to make sure you know why and how your personal information is being used in accordance with relevant data protection law.

How we use your data

We will use your personal information for the following purposes:

 Managing your tenancy, including the provision of support and advice to you as a tenant.

 Arranging and carrying out repairs and maintenance on the property.

How long we hold your data for

We will store your personal data for the duration of your tenancy. Following the end of your tenancy, your data will be archived for six years and then destroyed.

Sharing your data

We may share your personal data with other Council departments in order to provide the service you have requested and to ensure that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date.

Your personal information may also be shared with third parties for the purpose of:

prevention and/or detection of a crime/ fraud or we are otherwise legally required to do so;

where it is in the public interest or our legitimate interests to do so (e.g. to utility providers if your bills remain unpaid); or

in the interest of safeguarding yourself or others.

If we wish to use or share your information for any other purposes we will seek your consent.

If you have any questions or concerns about how your personal data is handled you can email our Data Protection Officer (DPO),  dataprotection@wealden.gov.uk.