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Major Application Appeals

Documents relating to Major Application Public Inquiries pending and concluded for the relevant planning application can be found on this page.

Use the Planning Inspectorate published guide to taking part in planning and listed building consent appeals proceeding by an inquiry to learn more about the appeal procedure.

If you need to contact us you can email planning.appeals@wealden.gov.uk quoting the application reference number.

Pending Public Inquiries

The Major Application Public Inquiries pending are listed below. To view the original planning application use our Public Access page and enter the planning application reference number. 

Inquiry Closed - Awaiting Decision

Concluded Public Inquiries

The Major Application Public Inquiries concluded are listed below. To view the original planning application including the decision notice use our Public Access page and enter the planning application reference number. 

Appellant: Hertfordshire Holdings Ltd

Appeal Reference: APP/C1435/W/23/3335625

Planning Reference: WD/2022/3222/MAO

Inquiry Opens: 23 April 2024

Proposal: Development of up to 124 no. residential dwellings, associated infrastructure (including a new access junction onto the A271) and open space.

View the Inquiry document library

Inquiry Webcast

Use the links below to view a stream of the Inquiry.

Day 5: Tuesday 30 April 2024

Day 4: Friday 26 April 2024

Day 3: Thursday 25 April 2024

Day 2: Wednesday 24 April 2024

Day 1: Tuesday 23 April 2024

Appellant: Obsidian Strategic Asset Management Ltd

Appeal Reference: APP/C1435/W/23/3330872

Planning Reference: WD/2022/0648/MAO

Hearing opens: 6 February 2023

Proposal: Outline application for the development of 60 no. dwellings, access and internal roads, parking, ancillary structures, landscaping and open space, drainage and other associated works. All matters reserved apart from access.

View the Hearing document library

Hearing Webcast

Use the links below to view a stream of the Inquiry.

Day 2: Wednesday 7 February 2024

Day 1: Tuesday 6 February 2024

Appellant: Gleeson Lane and John Alison Land and Research Ltd

Appeal Reference:  APP/C1435/W/23/3321978

Planning Reference: WD/2022/1637/MEA

Inquiry opened: 24 October 2023

Inquiry Close: 16 November 2023

Decision: Dismissed

Proposal: Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the erection of up to 424 no. residential dwellings including affordable housing, the provision of vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access and separate emergency access from the Uckfield bypass (A22), pedestrian and cycle access from Snatts Road, open spaces including children’s play space, sustainable urban drainage systems, associated landscaping, infrastructure and earthworks; and full application comprising creation of a strategic sang, associated landscaping and car parking, and demolition of existing residential property and other buildings and provision of pedestrian and cycle access from rocks road, associated landscaping, infrastructure and earthworks.

View the Inquiry document library

Inquiry Webcast

Use the links below to view a stream of the Inquiry. 

Day 10: Thursday 16 November 2023

Day 9: Wednesday 15 November 2023

Day 8: Tuesday 14 November 2023

Day 7: Thursday 9 November 2023

Day 6: Wednesday 8 November 2023

Day 5: Tuesday 7 November 2023

Day 4: Tuesday 31 October 2023

Day 3: Thursday 26 October 2023

Day 2: Wednesday 25 October 2023

Day 1: Tuesday 24 October 2023

Appellant: Croudace Homes LTD

Appeal Reference: APP/C1435/W/22/3307820

Planning Reference: WD/2021/2198/MAO

Inquiry opened: 12 September 2023

Inquiry Close: 22 September 2023

Decision: Dismissed

Venue: East Sussex National, Little Horsted, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 5ES

Proposal: Outline planning application for the erection of up to 290 dwellings, associated landscaping, informal open space and Strategic SANG, with access from the B2102.

View the Inquiry document library

Inquiry Webcast

Use the links below to view a stream of the Inquiry. 

Day 8: Friday 22 September 2023

Day 7: Thursday 21 September 2023

Day 6: Wednesday 20 September 2023

Day 5: Tuesday 19 September 2023

Day 4: Friday 15 September 2023

Day 3: Thursday 14 September 2023

Day 2: Wednesday 13 September 2023

Day 1: Tuesday 12 September 2023 

Appellant: Danescroft (FREOF V Willingdon) LLP

Appeal Reference: APP/C1435/W/22/3293970

Planning Reference: WD/2021/0594/MEA

Inquiry Opened: 5 July 2022

Inquiry Closed: 6 July 2022

Decision: Allowed

Proposal: Outline application with all matters reserved except for access (excluding internal estate roads beyond the access to serve the medical centre plot) for demolition of existing vacant dwelling and erection of up to 180 no. dwellings and medical centre together with all parking, servicing and on-site open space.

View the Inquiry document library.

Inquiry Webcast – Use the links below to view a stream of the Inquiry. 

Day 1: Tuesday 5 July 22 – View a recording of the Inquiry (external link)

Day 2: Wednesday 6 July 22 – View a recording of the Inquiry

Appellant: Mr Peter and Robert Vine

Appeal Reference: APP/C1435/W/22/3293970

Planning Reference: WD/2021/0174/MEA

Inquiry Opened: 6 September 2022

Inquiry Closed: 8 Septemeber 2022

Decision: Allowed

Proposal: Outline application with all matters reserved except for the means of access from Eastbourne Road for the comprehensive development of a mixed-use urban extension comprising up to 700 dwellings including affordable housing, 8,600 sq.m. of employment floorspace, medical centre, school, community centre, retail, playing fields, children’s play space, allotments, amenity open space, internal access roads, cycle and footpath routes, and associated landscaping and infrastructure.

View the Inquiry document library

The Inquiry is now closed.

Day 1: Tuesday 6 September 2022 – View a recording of the Inquiry

Day 2: Wednesday 7 September 2022 – View a recording of the Inquiry

Day 3: Thursday 8 September 2022 – View a recording of the Inquiry 

Note on Day 1 and prior to the first morning adjournment we experienced sound issues and the stream was not as clear as we would have liked. We apologise for the inconvenience caused. 

The inquiry will be proceeding as scheduled with a reduction in the number of expected sitting days. The Inspector considers the scheduled sitting days on 13 September and 15-17 November will no longer be required.

As there are no main parties opposing the appeal, the inquiry will hear a brief opening statement from the Appellant only.  This will be followed by representations from interested parties.

The Appellant’s witnesses can then be called to give their evidence in turn (which can be taken briefly under the circumstances), with an opportunity for interested parties and the Inspector to ask questions.

The normal conditions and obligations session will take place, before closing submissions.