Wealden District Council
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Make changes to (vary) a premises licence

If you want to make changes to an existing premises licence, you will need to apply to vary the licence.

If you are unsure whether you need a major or minor variation for your premises licence please contact our licensing team.

Premises Licence Variation (major variation)

You will need to apply for a major variation if you are making significant changes to your premises licence. These changes can include:

  • Extend licensing hours for the sale or supply of alcohol at any time between 11pm and 7am.
  • Significantly changing the layout of the premises or adding areas that are permitted for the sale or supply of alcohol.
  • Increasing the amount of time on any day that alcohol can be sold by retail or supplied.
  • Making changes to the hours in which a licensable activity is permitted.
  • Amending adding or removing conditions from a licence.

An application for a major variation follows a similar procedure to a new premises licence application.

As with a new application, you will need to pay the relevant premises application fee along with your major variation application. This is based on the rateable value of your premises.

You can apply and pay online using our application form here:

Apply online to vary a premises licence

Or you can download and complete a premises licence variation Form.

You can also apply to vary a your premises licence via .gov.uk at (this service may not be available after March 2023): Apply online at Gov.uk to vary a premises licence

  • If you are making significant changes to the layout of the premises or the areas that you are selling alcohol from you will need to provide an updated plan.
  • You will be required to advertise your application as a public notices and an advert in a local newspaper. For more information on how to do this please visit our Advertising Applications page.
  • You are also required to provide copies of their application to the  Responsible Authorities. If you have applied online via the .gov.uk website you do not need to send additional copies of your application to the relevant authorities.

After you have applied


As with a new application the Licensing Authority must grant the variation application unless “relevant” representations (ie representations that were not deemed frivolous or vexatious) against the grant of the licence have been received.

You will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the Local Authority by the end of the target completion period. For Wealden District Council this is 30 calendar days from receipt of the application.

A Hearing must be held where “relevant” representations are made in respect of the application.

If a Hearing is held the Licence can be granted; or granted subject to additional conditions. Licensable activities listed in the application can be excluded or the application can be rejected.

The Licensing Authority will serve a notice of its decision on the applicant, any person who has made “relevant” representations and the Chief Officer of Police.

Regulation summary

Applicants are encouraged to consider the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and HM Government’s Guidance published under section 182 of the act when preparing their operating schedule and the steps they propose to take to promote the licensing objectives. You can see a Summary of the Licensing Act 2003 at the gov.uk website.

Minor Variation

If you want to make any of the following changes you will need a Minor variation:

  • Small changes to the structure or layout of a premises; 
  • The addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or regulated entertainment (such as performance of plays or film exhibitions);
  • Reducing the hours you sell alcohol.
  • Minor revisions, removals and additions of conditions (this could include the removal or amendment of out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions, or the addition of volunteered conditions).

A minor variation costs £89

You can apply and pay online using our application form:

Apply online for a minor variation to a Premises Licence

Or download and complete a Minor Variation application

You can also apply to vary a your premises licence via .gov.uk at (this service may not be available after March 2023): Apply online at gov.uk for a minor variation to a Premises Licence

Depending on what your minor variation application is for you may also need to provide an updated plan of the premises.

Depending on what your minor variation application is for, we may also send this application to the police and/or fire service for representations. Our licensing officers will contact you if we receive any comments or objections from these authorities.

You cannot use a minor variation application to:

  • Extend licensing hours
  • Disapply mandatory conditions
  • Substantially change a premises licence

If you need to do any of the above then you will need to apply for a major variation.